Saturday, January 11, 2014

JMS - Install HermesJMS on Windows

hermesjms logo
HermesJMS is an extensible console that helps you interact with JMS providers making it simple to publish and edit messages, browse or search queues and topics, copy messages around and delete them. Following tutorial shows how to install HermesJMS on Windows and start/stop the console.

The tutorial assumes a Java runtime environment (JRE) has been installed and configured on your computer. If not please check the following post on how to install and configure a JRE.

First thing to do is to download the HermesJMS installer Java archive (JAR). Go the the HermesJMS download page and click on the Sourceforge link in the Downloading and Webstarting section. This will redirect to the Sourceforge page, click on the 'hermes-installer-X.XX.jar' link and download the JAR file. At the time of writing the latest stable release was hermes-installer-1.14.jar.

Open a console window and navigate to the location of the downloaded 'hermes-installer-1.14.jar' and execute the following command to start the HermesJMS installer:
java -jar hermes-installer-1.14.jar
start hermesjms installer

A new window will open to start the installation of HermesJMS as shown below:

hermesjms installer welcome

Click Next twice and then select the 'I accept the terms of this license agreement' radio button:

hermesjms installer license

Click Next and change the default installation path (if needed). From now on we will refer to this directory as: [hermesjms_install_dir].

hermesjms installer installation path

Click Next twice and review the installation settings. If the settings are correct click Next to start the installation. Click Previous in case changes to the installation setting are needed. The progress of the installation will be shown as illustrated below.

hermesjms installer progress

Once the Pack installation progress bar mentions mentions '[Finished]', click on Quit. Open a console window and navigate to the [hermesjms_install_dir]. Change to the 'bin' subdirectory and execute the following command to start HermesJMS:
hermesjms start command

The HermesJMS console should open as shown below:

hermesjms gui

An alternative way of starting HermesJMS is by creating a clickable shortcut. In order to do this navigate to the [hermesjms_install_dir]\bin directory using the Windows explorer. Right click on the 'hermes.bat' file and select Send to > Desktop(create shortcut).

hermesjms create shortcut

The result will be a shortcut icon on the desktop that can be used to start HermesJMS. In order to quit HermesJMS simply select File > Exit from the console top menu.

exit hermesjms gui

This concludes the basic installation of the HermesJMS. If you found this post helpful or have any questions or remarks, please leave a comment.

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